Receiving Academic Credit

Many departments require or offer the option to complete an internship or practicum experience for academic credit towards your degree.

Student working with professor in lab

Follow these steps to pursue an experiential learning opportunity for academic credit:

  1. Determine if your major requires an internship or practicum, or if it offers the opportunity to earn elective credit (see drop-down by major below or search the by the year you started earning academic credit)
  2. Identify your faculty internship coordinator from this list of Internship Coordinators. This person can advise on academic criteria, internship site options, and approval process.
  3. Understand the criteria for receiving academic credit for your internship experience. To find this information, see links below or ask your faculty internship coordinator. Each department will require its own set of criteria, including but not limited to: number of hours, learning objectives, years that the hiring organization has been in business, supervisor background/experience and more.
  4. Find and accept an internship! While some academic departments will help you find your internship, many require you to find your own. Find employers who’ve hired students from your major in the past from these Internships by Industry or start looking at Searching for Internships.
  5. Before you accept your internship, contact your faculty internship coordinator to approve your internship for academic credit and provide follow-up steps.
  6. Use the internship forms below as directed by your internship faculty coordinator to monitor your experience and gain feedback from your site supervisor.

Below you can find information on earning academic credit by major.

College of Business and Economics

  • Required Internship and Free Elective Internship Option
  • Course title: BUSX 460 Professional Experience (required), ECON 497 Internship in Economics (Elective)
  • ECON 497 Registration Requirements (PDF)
  • Required Internship and elective practicum
  • Course title: BUSX 460 Professional Experience (Required), EBTM 497/8 BSAP Practicum (elective)

 College of Education

  • Supervised internships and field experiences are required for all majors in the College of Education. Consult the  for details.
  • Supervised internships and field experiences are required for all majors in the College of Education. Consult the  for details.
  • Supervised internships and field experiences are required for all majors in the College of Education. Consult the  for details.
  • Supervised internships and field experiences are required for all majors in the College of Education. Consult the  for details.
  • Supervised internships and field experiences are required for all majors in the College of Education. Consult the  for details.
  • Supervised internships and field experiences are required for all majors in the College of Education. Consult the  for details.

College of Fine Arts and Communication

  • No academic credit internship options
  • Contact Internship Coordinators for requirements
  • Ceramics Concentration: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Design Studies Track: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Digital Art and Design Concentration: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Fine Arts Track: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Graphic Design Concentration: Required ART 490 Internship in Art (required)
  • Illustration Concentration: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Interdisciplinary Object Design Concentration: Required ART 490 Internship in Art (required)
  • Metalsmithing and Jewelry Concentration: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Painting, Drawing, Printmaking: Concentration: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Photo Imaging Concentration: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Sculpture Concentration: ART 490 Internship in Art (elective)
  • Required Internship
  • Course title: ARED 467/8
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective internship option
  • Course title: ARTH 498 Internship in Art History
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective internship options
  • Course title: COMM 490 Internship in Comm Studies, COMM 470 Special Topics Public Speaking Practicum
  • Internship Registration
  • Elective Internship
  • Course Titles: CLST 495 Internship in Cultural Studies
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective internship options
  • Course titles: DANC 490 Elementary Capstone Internship, DANC 494 Secondary Capstone Internship
  • Elective internship options
  • Course titles: DANC 490 Elementary Capstone Internship, DANC 494 Secondary Capstone Internship
  • Required Internship
  • Course titles: MUED 491 Internship in Elementary School Music, MUED 492 Internship in Secondary School Music, MUED 493 Intern Seminar
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective internship options
  • Course Title: THEA 487 Professional Theatre Seminar, THEA 490 Performance Practicum, THEA 494-8 Theatre Production options
  • Internship Registration 

College of Health Professions

  • Only Advanced Respiratory Therapy - Dual Enrollment Respiratory Care Option Requires Clinical Practicum
  • Advanced Respiratory Therapy - Dual Enrollment Respiratory Care Option Course titles: AHLT 200 (CCBC Transfer credit)
  • Check the for registration information
  • Required Internship
  • Course Title: GERO 397 Gerontology Internship
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internship
  • Course Title: GERO 397 Gerontology Internship
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internship
  • Course Title: HCMN 495 Health Care Management Internship
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internship
  • Community Health Concentration Course Title: HLTH 422
  • School Health Education Course Titles: HLTH 488 Internship, HLTH 387/8 Student Teaching
  • School and Community Health Education Course Titles: HLTH 421 Field Work in Community Health, HLTH 487 Internship in School Health
  • Contact Internship Coordinators for requirements
  • Required Internship
  • Athletic Training Course Titles: KNES 381-9 (Basic through Advanced Clinical Athletic Training)
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internship
  • Sport Management Course Title: KNES 445 Internship in Sport Management
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internships
  • Physical Education Course Title: KNES 492 Elementary Internship, KNES 493 Secondary Internship
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internships and Clinicals
  • Course Title: NURS 485 Clinical Practicum, NURS 489 Degree Completion Practicum, Clinicals (NURS 356C, 358C, 360C, 472C, 474C, 476C)
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective Internship
  • Course Titles: SPPA 487 Clinical Internship, SPPA 488 Internship in Communication Sciences and Related Areas
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements

College of Liberal Arts

  • Elective Internship
  • Course Titles: ENGL 498
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internship for all Family & Human Services tracks
  • Required Additional Advanced Internship for Human Services and Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector tracks
  • Course Title: FMST 397
  • Human Services and Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector Advanced Internship Course Titles: FMST 497
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Internships
  • Course Titles: SCED 389 Internship in Secondary Education - History, SCED 401 Analyzing Internship
  • History: Teaching Internships
  • Elective Internship
  • Course Title: AMST 497 Internship in American Studies
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective Internships
  • Course Titles: BIOL 493 Internship in Biology, IDIS 495 Internship in Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective internship options depending on elective areas of study in anthropology, art history, history, political science, spanish
  • Course Titles: LAST 497 Internship in Latin American and Latino/a Studies, ANTH 491/2 Internship in Anthropology, HIST 493 Internship, POSC 493 Internship, SPAN 497 Internship in Spanish
  • Interdisciplinary Studies: Career & Internship Support
  • Elective Internship
  • Course Title: IDIS 495-8
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective internship options depending on elective areas of study in anthropology, economics, foreign languages, history, and political science
  • Course Title: INST 493, ANTH 491 Internship in Anthropology, ECON 497 Internship in Economics, FREN 497 Internship in French, GEOG 491 Geography/Environmental Planning Internship, GERM 497 Internship in German, HIST 493 Internship, POSC 493 Internship, SPAN 497 Internship in Spanish
  • International Studies: Career & Internship Support
  • Required for French Education and Spanish Education majors
  • Elective internship course options for language degrees
  • Language Education Course Titles: SCED 401 Analyzing Internship (required for French Education and Spanish Education)
  • French Course Titles: FREN 495 Internship for Proficiency in French (elective), FREN 497 Internship in French (elective)
  • Spanish course titles: SPAN 497 Internship in Spanish,
  • German course titles: GERM 495 internship for the Proficient German, GERM 497 Internship in German
  • Italian course titles: ITAL 497 Internship in Italian
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective Internship
  • Course Title: PHIL 497 Philosophy Internship
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • No academic internship options
  • Consider internships for experience
  • Required internships for track in Secondary Education
  • Secondary Education Course Titles: SCED 396 Internship in Secondary Education - Social Science, SCED 401 Analyzing Internship
  • Social Sciences: Teaching Internship

Fisher College of Science and Mathematics

  • Available for Cell and Molecular, Functional Biology of Animals, and Organismal Biology and Ecology concentrations
  • Course Title: BIOL 493 Internship in Biology
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Uteach courses for Secondary Education concentration
  • Course Title: SEMS 498 Internship in Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (required), SCIE 393 Internship in Secondary Education - Science (required)
  • Biology: Uteach
  • Required Uteach courses for Secondary Education concentration and elective internship option
  • Course Title: SEMS 498 Internship in Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (required), SCIE 393 Internship in Secondary Education - Science (required)
  • Chemistry: Uteach
  • Elective options for general degree and Computer Security Track
  • Required practicum for Software Engineering Track (COSC 490 Software Project Practicum)
  • Elective course titles: COSC 397 Internship in COSC, COSC 490 Software Project Practicum
  • Computer Science: Department Jobs & Internships
  • No academic internship options
  • Consider internships for experience
  • Required Uteach courses for Secondary Education concentration
  • Course Title: SEMS 498 Internship in Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (required), SCIE 393 Internship in Secondary Education - Science (required)
  • Earth-Space Science: Uteach
  • No academic internship options
  • Consider internships for experience
  • Elective options for Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Actuarial Science and Risk Management Concentrations
  • Course Title: MATH 397
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Uteach courses for Secondary Education concentration
  • Course Title: SEMS 498 Internship in Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (required), SCIE 393 Internship in Secondary Education - Science (required)
  • Mathematics: Uteach
  • Research options for electives
  • Research course titles: MBBB 490, CHEM 491 Research in Chemistry, BIOL 491 Elective Independent Research
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Elective option
  • Course Title: PHYS 391
  • Contact Internship Coordinator for requirements
  • Required Uteach courses for Secondary Education concentration
  • Course Title: SEMS 498 Internship in Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (required), SCIE 393 Internship in Secondary Education - Science (required)
  • Physics: Uteach

Honors College