Carter Wang

Assistant Professor


Contact Info

LA 2358


PhD Geography 2018
Arizona State University

MA Geography 2012
Kansas State University

BS Environmental Science 2010
Minzu University of China, Beijing

Areas of Expertise

Remote Sensing
GIS Applications
Urban Climate and Environment
Land Cover Change
Terrestrial Ecosystems

Selected Publications

Wentz, E. A., Solís, P., Wang, C., Aguiar-Hernandez, C., Courtright, H., & Dock, A. J. (2024). Planning for Heat Resilience and the Future of Residential Electricity Usage. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 114(5), 918–942.

Hatch, E., Wang, C., Kang, W., Karna, B., Sabinsky, N., & Ferguson, K. M. (2024). Geographies of opportunity for youth across the contiguous United States. The Professional Geographer, 76(2), 207-230.

Wang, C., Li, Z., Mathews, M., Praharaj, S., Karna, B., & Solís P. (2022). The spatial association of social vulnerability with COVID-19 prevalence in the contiguous United States. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 32(5), 1147-1154.

Wagner, M. A., Doe, R. K., Wang, C., Rasmussen, E., Coniglio, M. C., Elmore, K. L., Balling Jr., R.C., & Cerveny, R. S. (2021). High-resolution observations of microscale influences on a tornado track using Unpiloted Aerial Systems (UAS). Monthly Weather Review, 149(8), 2819-2834.

Myint, S. W., Aggarwal, R., Zheng, B., Wentz, E. A., Holway, J., Fan, C., Selover, N. J., Wang, C., & Fischer, H. A. (2021). Adaptive Crop Management under Climate Uncertainty: Changing the Game for Sustainable Water Use. Atmosphere, 12(8), 1080.

Phillips, L., Solís, P., Wang, C., Varfalameyeva, K., & Burnett, J. (2021). Engaged Convergence Research: An Exploratory Approach to Heat Resilience in Mobile Homes. The Professional Geographer, 73(4), 619-631.

Wang, C., Solís, P., Villa, L., Khare, N., Wentz, E.A., & Gettel, A. (2021). Spatial Modeling and Analysis of Heat-related Morbidity in Maricopa County, Arizona. Journal of Urban Health, 98: 344- 361.

Wang, C., Turner, V. K., Wentz, E. A., Zhao, Q., & Myint, S. W. (2021). Optimization of residential green space for environmental sustainability and property appreciation in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Science of The Total Environment, 763, 144605.

Mody, E. H., Wang, C., Hoyt, J., & Ferguson, K. M. (2020). Data-driven service delivery: Using population and coalition data to reengage opportunity youth in career and educational pathways. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 38(4), 384-409.

Wang, C., Mody, E. H., Hunting, D., Hoyt, J. & Ferguson, K. M. (2020) Data-driven outreach to opportunity youth using population data and Geographic Information System technology. Journal of Social Work, 21(3): 394-415

Wang, C.*, Li, Y., Myint, S. W., Zhao, Q., & Wentz, E. A. (2019). Impacts of Spatial Clustering of Urban Land Cover on Land Surface Temperature across Köppen Climate Zones in the Contiguous United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 192, 103668. (IF: 5.144)

Wang, C., Wang, Z. -H., Wang, C., & Myint, S. W. (2019). Environmental cooling provided by urban trees under extreme heat and cold waves in U.S. cities. Remote Sensing of Environment, 227, 28-43. (IF: 8.218, citation: 5)

Estoque, R. C., Murayama, Y., Lasco, R. D., Myint, S. W., Pulhin, F. B., Wang, C., Ooba, M., & Hijioka, Y. (2018). Changes in the landscape pattern of the La Mesa Watershed – The last ecological frontier of Metro Manila, Philippines. Forest Ecology and Management, 430, 280-290. (IF: 3.126, citation: 3)

Estoque, R. C., Myint, S. W., Wang, C., Ishtiaque, A., Aung, T. T., Emerton, L., Ooba, M., Hijioka, Y., Mon, M. S., Wang, Z., & Fan, C. (2018). Assessing environmental impacts and change in Myanmar's mangrove ecosystem service value due to deforestation (2000-2014). Global Change Biology, 24(11): 5391-5410. (IF: 8.880, citation: 4)